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Ordinary Council Meeting   Date: 20 April 2021 6.30pm, 
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Order of Business

  • 1 Declaration of opening
  • 2 Announcements from the Presiding Member
  • 3 Attendance
  • 3.1 Apologies
  • 3.2 Approved leave of absence
  • 4 Declarations of interest
  • 5 Public question time
  • 6 Public statement time
  • 7 Confirmation of minutes and receipt of notes from any agenda briefing forum
  • 8 Presentation of minutes from external bodies
  • 9 Presentations
  • 10 Method of dealing with agenda busines
  • 11 Chief Executive Officer reports
  • 11.1 Quarterly reporting - April 2021
  • 11.2 2021 Ordinary Local Government Elections
  • 11.3 Sponsorship Funding
  • 12 Chief Community Planner reports
  • 12.1 Draft Amended Local Planning Policy 37 Community Consultation on Planning Proposals
  • 12.2 Vic Park Funding Program - Arts, Sports and Urban Forest Grants
  • 12.3 Community Benefits Strategy 2020 Report
  • 12.4 Hockey Working Group - Recommended Appointments
  • 13 Chief Operations Officer reports
  • 13.1 Macmillan Precinct Concept Plan
  • 13.2 TVP/21/01 GO Edwards Stage 4&5 Landscape Upgrades
  • 13.3 LPRP Zone 1 Lead Consultant Procurement
  • 13.4 Etwell Street Local Centre Revitalisation Update
  • 14 Chief Financial Officer reports
  • 14.1 Schedule of Accounts for February 2021
  • 14.2 Financial Statement for month ending February 2021
  • 15 Committee Reports
  • 15.1 Review of Policy 304 - Disposal of Surplus Assets
  • 15.2 Review of Policy 114 - Community Funding
  • 15.3 Review of Policy 205 - Vehicle Crossovers
  • 15.4 Minor review of Council policies and policy workplan for 2021/22
  • 15.5 Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates
  • 15.6 Review of Policy 207 Paths - locations within road reserves
  • 15.7 Review of Policy 208 – Street verges – reinstatement of lawns following works
  • 15.8 Proposed Waste Disposal Local Law 2021
  • 16 Applications for leave of absence
  • 17 Motion of which previous notice has been given
  • 18 Questions from members without notice
  • 18.1 Response to previous questions from members without notice taken on notice at Agenda Briefing Forum on 2 March 2021
  • 19 New business of an urgent nature introduced by decision of the meeting
  • 20 Public question time
  • 21 Public statement time
  • 22 Meeting closed to the public
  • 23 Closure.

    Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 16 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 9 July 2024 Special Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 2 July 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 18 June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Special Council Meeting