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Agenda Briefing Forum   Date: 3 March 2020 6.30pm, 
Download Meeting Filesize: 920mb


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Order of Business

  • 1 About the Agenda Briefing Forum
  • 2 Opening
  • 3 Announcements from the Presiding Member
  • 4 Attendance
  • 5 Declarations of interest
  • 6 Public participation time
  • 7 Presentations
  • 8 Deputations
  • 9 Method of dealing with agenda business
  • 10 Chief Executive Officer reports
  • 10.1 Appointment of Elected Member to Council Committees and external bodies
  • 10.2 Workforce Plan 2020-2035
  • 11 Chief Community Planner reports
  • 11.1 Amendment No. 56 to Town Planning Scheme No. 1– Lots 1003-1005 on SouthEastern Side of Roberts Road and Miller Street Adjacent to Miller’s Crossing, East Victoria Park and Carlisle – Option to Purchase Land
  • 11.2 Proposed Local Planning Policy No.41 - Exemption from Development Approval for Changes of Use within the Albany Highway Precinct
  • 11.3 Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan Update
  • 11.4 Adoption of Draft Revised Local Planning Policy 28 State Administrative Tribunal Applications for Review
  • 11.5 Adoption of Draft Revised Local Planning Policy 7 Development and Vehicle Access to Properties via a Right-of-Way
  • 11.6 Adoption of Draft Revised Local Planning Policy 29 Public Art Private Developer Contribution
  • 11.7 Bike Talk Program
  • 11.8 Community Safety Roundtable
  • 12 Chief Operations Officer reports
  • 13 Chief Financial Officer reports
  • 13.1 Schedule of Accounts for January 2020
  • 13.2 Financial statements for the month ending 31 January 2020
  • 13.3 2019-2020 Annual Budget Review
  • 13.4 Participatory Budget Pilot - Options
  • 14 Committee reports
  • 14.1 Water Conservation Policy Review
  • 14.2 Review of Policy 003 Legal Advice
  • 14.3 Review of ADM2 Long Service Leave
  • 14.4 Review of Policy 223 Private use of Town vehicles
  • 15 Public participation time
  • 16 Questions from members without notice on general matters
  • 17 Confidential matters
  • 18 Closure

    Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 16 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 9 July 2024 Special Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 2 July 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 18 June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Special Council Meeting