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Agenda Briefing Forum   Date: 1 June 2021 6.30pm, 
Download Meeting Filesize: 683mb


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Order of Business

  • 1 About the Agenda Briefing Forum
  • 2 Opening
  • 3 Acknowledgement of country
  • 4 Announcements from the Presiding Member
  • 5 Attendance
  • 5.1 Apologies
  • 5.2 Approved leave of absence
  • 6 Declarations of interest
  • 7 Public participation time
  • 8 Presentations
  • 9 Deputations
  • 10 Method of dealing with agenda business
  • 11 Chief Executive Officer reports
  • 11.1 Annual Review of Delegations
  • 12 Chief Community Planner report
  • 12.1 Draft Youth Plan
  • 12.2 Draft Transport Strategy and Parking Management Plan
  • 12.3 Local Heritage Survey
  • 13 Chief Operations Officer reports
  • 13.1 Future Organisational Accommodation Needs - Multi-Criteria Assessment
  • 13.2 Macmillan Precinct Masterplan Working Group
  • 13.3 ROW 52 Albany Highway Victoria Park Name submission for referral to Landgate Geographic Names Committee
  • 13.4 Kent St Sand Pit Community Consultation Report
  • 13.5 Portion of ROW 54 Closure
  • 13.6 Investigation outcomes regarding Rouse Lane Upgrades
  • 13.7 Grant for Lathlain Park 1
  • 14 Chief Financial Officer reports
  • 14.1 Schedule of Accounts for April 2021
  • 14.2 Financial Statement for the month ending April 2021
  • 15 Committee reports
  • 15.1 Implementation and Effectiveness of Policy 113 Homelessness - The Town's role
  • 15.2 Implementation and Effectiveness of Policy 223 - Fleet Management Light Vehicles
  • 15.3 Review of Policy 203 – Stormwater runoff containment
  • 15.4 Review of Policy 202 - Directional Signs
  • 15.5 Adoption of Policy 105 - Advocacy
  • 15.6 Independent Audit Report and Annual Financial Report 2019-2020
  • 16 Motion of which previous notice has been given
  • 16.1 Cr Brian Oliver – Old Spaces New Places 3 – Concept Plan Options
  • 16.2 Deputy Mayor Bronwyn Ife – Request for report – Use of private vacant land for community edible gardens
  • 17 Public participation time
  • 18 Questions from members without notice on general matters
  • 19 Confidential matters
  • 19.1 Waste collection contract extension and variation
  • 20 Closure

    Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 16 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 9 July 2024 Special Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 2 July 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 18 June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Agenda Briefing Forum
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Special Council Meeting